Pushing your companies message into the “conversations” enabled by social media is not an attractive method The Relationship Economy. Blog Your Business Job title - Partner industry - Social Media & Viral Marketing "one hundred years of marketing thought are gone ... it is time to listen to and join the conversations that are going on every day about your understand this you shouldn't begin to think about social media for your company. We have put together a five part interactive seminar series based precisely on this premise. Its all about understanding what David Meerman Scott calls your 'buyer person as', and then tell stories showing how you can help them overcome their problem.Reply Until you understand this you shouldn't begin to think about social media for your company. We have put together a five part interactive seminar series based precisely on this premise. Its all about understanding what David Meerman Scott calls your 'buyer person as', and then tell stories showing how you can help them overcome their problem.Phillip Skinner You, Phillip Skinner View Page Uk Company - money24seven J ob title - happy Industry - networking Happiness is smile shaped and I can't stop laughingsocialmedian: Pushing your companies message into the “conversations” enabled by social media is not an attractive method .. (via FriendFeed)
Cheers guys for sharing the framing for conversational marketing Phillip Skinner
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