Social Submitter - Products - Seo - Group
An essential thing you must understand in community-building is your access to 2-way communication. The only way you can build a long-term, sustainable business using social media is to never forget the true purpose... 2-way communication.
Be Educational, Enlightening or Entertaining
These are known as the three E's of social media. As humans these are the three things that we always seek in everyday interaction with people. Social media networks are just an extension of our natural human characteristics.
The most successful people in social media or in any business realize that they need to cater to these three things that people crave. Are there any guidelines? How does that really work for us? You need to evaluate your content. Is this educating anybody? Is this enlightening anybody as to a new possibility or a solution for a problem? Does it entertain the reader?
If it doesn't do any of those 3 essential things, then your content is probably not going to get crowd sourced (shared by others). And crowd sourcing is the key, because that is what aggregates your content automatically to the far reaches of the social sphere, through other people. So as long as you're paying attention to those 3 E's, you'll do just fine. You'll achieve high search engine visibility (and rankings) by simply creating content (text, audio, video) that follows the 3 E's.
Internet Marketing for the New Generation...
Intro Video (90 Sec)SEO20/20 has become the market leader in telling the facts as they relate to Internet Marketing & SEO for 2008 and beyond. Watch this brief 90 second introduction video to get a glimpse of what we have to offer you and your existing or future online business.
Our service is free...
Internet Marketing is a subject that is full of fairy tales, lies and deceitful misguidance by gurus and profiteers....
Our mission at SEO20/20 is to introduce you to YOU 2.0 is to shift the power away from Internet marketing gurus and profiteers to place the power of Internet market domination firmly in your hands in a no hype, no sales pitch kind of way.
Internet Marketing for the New Generation
Membership Information Topics >>>
Element 1:
Market Research
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Online Sales
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Web Content
Element 6:
Link Building
Element 7:
Online Business Management
Element 8:
Internet Marketing Tools Training: Internet Marketing Books & Courses
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Social Media Viral Marketing
Monday, 24 August 2009
How to Backup MY Twitter Tweets Account |
How to Backup My Twitter Tweets Account
Has it happened to you?
Where something that you owned simply broke, got lost/stolen and you wished you had a back up of some kind? Being from the great state of Minnesota, our guess is “Yah, you betcha”
Maybe you experienced not being able to sign in to twitter (because it was down), maybe your account was suspended by accident. Better yet, what if, you signed on to Twitter and your account was partially or completely wiped out?
Well, for many, twitter has become a lifestyle and if that’s the case for you, doesn’t it make sense to backup your tweets?
So today, we are sharing this post “How to backup my twitter tweets account” so that you can have a backup of your tweets, etc (just in case), for FREE.
Back Up My Tweets Back Up My Tweets – Protect your tweets, daily backups, flexible download options, do something cool..
Tweet Backup Tweet backup – run over the Internet, daily backup, no installation required, easy to use, no twitter-password required.
Tweetake Tweetake – Back Up your Twitterings, followers, tweets, direct messages and more.
Are you using any of these twitter backup programs and/or do you know of other twitter related backup programs that can be beneficial for twitter users or followers?
Please leave us a comment either way….How to Backup MY Twitter Tweets Account |
Get instant Twitter Watchdog Secrets, Tips and Tools that will help maximize both your personal and professional Twitter experience. Just enter your name and email address now. there! money24seven is using Twitter.
Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving money24seven's tweets.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Advanced SEO Tactic Revealed
Rank Leveraging is an advanced SEO tactic in which you harness the power of multiple pages on your website to improve the ranking of a single page for a specific keyword (or phrase). By linking related pages to the single page that Google considers to be the most relevant to your target keyword, you utilize the strength of these additional relevant pages to enhance the strength of your top-ranking page.We have had solid success with this tactic, procuring higher rankings for specific keywords on clients’ websites through proper, non-spammy internal linking. It should be noted, however, that these additional links will likely sap a bit of strength from the pages you are linking from. Before using this tactic, you should consider the benefit of achieving a higher keyword ranking for a single page vs. a slight weakening in the strength of other pages. Below is a case study demonstrating the Rank Leveraging process we used for
Step 1: Determine which keyword you should target
Through an analysis of site traffic (in this case, we used Google analytics), we discovered that the keyword phrase ‘office space los angeles’ is both a high volume and high-converting Google search term. By conversion, we mean a visitor who is directed to through an organic search result and then signs up for a free trial.
Because we felt that this search term could deliver a high number of converting visitors to the website, we decided to utilize rank leveraging for this keyword as part of our broader SEO strategy.
Step 2: Use Google query to find the most relevant pages on your site for targeted keyword
We performed a Google query for ‘ office space los angeles’ to determine which page we would focus our ranking efforts on and which pages we would utilize for internal linking. On the results page (see image below), the first listing is considered by Google to be the most relevant page on the website for the targeted keyword. The second listing is the second most relevant page and so on. We now know that after the home page, the resources page, press page, map page, and team page are the most relevant pages for ‘office space los angeles’. Step 3: Internal linking Here:
Step 4: Internal linking Here: Money 24seven Every Online Business
Friday, 21 August 2009
Features & Benefits More Traffic for Everyone
The New Money Making Blog with Money24SevenInternet Marketing for the New Generation...
Intro Video (90 Sec) SEO20/20 has become the market leader in telling the facts as they relate to Internet Marketing & SEO for 2008 and beyond.
Watch this brief 90 second introduction video to get a glimpse of what we have to offer you and your existing or future online business.
Our service is free...
Internet Marketing is a subject that is full of fairy tales, lies and deceitful misguidance by gurus and profiteers....
Our mission at SEO20/20 is to introduce you to YOU 2.0 is to shift the power away from Internet marketing gurus and profiteers to place the power of Internet market domination firmly in your hands in a no hype, no sales pitch kind of way. Internet Marketing for the New Generation
Membership Information Topics >>>
Element 1:
Market Research
Element 2:
Online Sales
Element 3:
Element 4:
Element 5:
Web Content
Element 6:
Link Building
Element 7:
Online Business Management
Element 8:
Internet Marketing Tools Training: Internet Marketing Books & Courses
Get free search engine optimization.
Features & Benefits More Traffic for Everyone
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Top Traffic Tips! » Blog Traffic - Getting Targeted Traffic To Your Blogs Using Web 2.0 Sites
Blog Traffic - Getting Targeted Traffic To Your Blogs Using Web 2.0 Sites
Ten Top Web 2.0 Sites For Generating Free Blog Traffic!
There’s no doubt about it - you can’t be truly successful online these days without your own blog, or blogs. While websites are still viable, blogs are much more quickly indexed by the search engines, have a greater number of places to be found in, benefit from interaction with your blog readers, etc, etc.
But of and by itself, a blog isn’t necessarily successful. As with any virtual real estate, you have to get targeted traffic to it - that is, you must attract an audience of people who want to know the information you’re sharing, and who want to buy the resources you’re promoting.
Fortunately, there are a number of new Web 2.0 technologies in use at various Web 2.0 sites to make that easier these days. Armed with a bit of knowledge, you can flood your blogs with traffic at little or no cost!
Here are our Top 10 Web 2.0 sites for driving blog traffic:
To find out HOW?
Be Educational, Enlightening or Entertaining
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
A service to update different search engines Ping-o-Matic!
Ping-o-Matic!What is this? Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.
We regularly check downstream services to make sure that they're legit and still work. So while it may appear like we have fewer services, they're the most important ones. Make sure to only ping specialized services if they're relevant to your blog, otherwise you'll cause an undue burden on them.
Pinging complete!
Bookmark this page and come back to it later to automatically re-ping.
Results: Ping sent. Ping sent. Technorati Ping sent. Feed Burner Ping sent. Syndic8 Ping sent. NewsGator Ping sent. My Yahoo! Ping sent. Ping sent. Blogdigger Ping sent. BlogRolling Ping sent. BlogStreet Ping sent. Moreover Ping sent. Weblogalot Ping sent. Icerocket Ping sent. News Is Free Ping sent. Topic Exchange Ping sent. Google Blog Search Ping sent. Spinn3r Ping sent. Bloglines Ping sent. PostRank Ping sent. SkyGrid Ping sent. Bitacoras Ping sent. Collecta Ping sent.
Interesting Statistics Okay, you've stumbled on the real secret behind this site. Why go to all the trouble of setting up a free system that sends out over a million pings a day? To play with all the data of course. :)
The Total Guide To Creating an Online Business
A service to update different search engines Ping-o-Matic!
Ping-o-Matic!What is this? Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.
We regularly check downstream services to make sure that they're legit and still work. So while it may appear like we have fewer services, they're the most important ones. Make sure to only ping specialized services if they're relevant to your blog, otherwise you'll cause an undue burden on them.
Pinging complete!
Bookmark this page and come back to it later to automatically re-ping.
Results: Ping sent. Ping sent. Technorati Ping sent. Feed Burner Ping sent. Syndic8 Ping sent. NewsGator Ping sent. My Yahoo! Ping sent. Ping sent. Blogdigger Ping sent. BlogRolling Ping sent. BlogStreet Ping sent. Moreover Ping sent. Weblogalot Ping sent. Icerocket Ping sent. News Is Free Ping sent. Topic Exchange Ping sent. Google Blog Search Ping sent. Spinn3r Ping sent. Bloglines Ping sent. PostRank Ping sent. SkyGrid Ping sent. Bitacoras Ping sent. Collecta Ping sent.
Interesting Statistics Okay, you've stumbled on the real secret behind this site. Why go to all the trouble of setting up a free system that sends out over a million pings a day? To play with all the data of course. :)
The Total Guide To Creating an Online Business
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
"Heres What Web Marketing Companies DONT Tell You."
I've learned a BIG lesson. It's NOT fancy graphics or flash movies that sell your products or services - it's simply giving people what they want after making sure they find your site.
Then getting them to commit to something whilst they're there.
Put simply, it's what pays your mortgage.For example, my own my website looks very basic & most web designers laugh at it. I couldn't care less.
It used to look really good with FLASH animation, multimedia and all sorts of gimmicks yet it never made me any money. It was only good at proving to people that we could make stylish websites.
However, after I read about web marketing, tried some decent sales really started to work for me!
(Take that annoying hover-ad that appears on my home page for instance. It gets up everyone's nose yet it increased my conversion rate by 178% overnight - so it's staying put!)Since that turning point a couple of years ago, I've spent tens of thousands of pounds and many, many hours investing in the best software, training and information resources around, so that I can deliver world class website marketing advice and ultimately this unique UK based website analysis.
So, now I'm here to provide the "Missing Link" that fills the void between your website, your marketing and your success.
Anyone can make a website.
Only successful people know how to market effectively online and put into action what they know.
Whatever your business or size, you will benefit hugely from the secrets I have learned here. As MKLINK passes its 11th trading year and having helped hundreds and hundreds of businesses throughout the UK, I have been able to directly measure our Internet Marketing Strategies on a wide range of websites so I truly know from real life experience what works and what doesn't.
There are plenty of marketing professionals out there who know more than me in their specific areas and I certainly don't claim to be the world's best at everything!I'm just a regular bloke that has been doing this for 11 years and have seen what works and what doesn't its all about making money at the end of the day yes?. So Now, business owners like you can have straight, specific valuable information that will dramatically improve your sales.
What Other People Said...
Monday, 10 August 2009
How To Drive FREE High Quality Traffic To Your Site Backlink Flood
Here's Exactly What IS Working, Right Now, In 2009...
The search engines are smarter now than they where even a year ago, not just Google, but Yahoo, Bing and others as well... At the same time your competition is smarter than they used to be...
Everyone and their brother knows what SEO is, they know how to build or buy links... And your bigger competitors are already enjoying great rankings, with established authority sites and tons of relevant links.
However there is something you CAN do to get an edge, and it works FAST...
Following my step-by-step blueprint you will learn...
How To Exploit Rapid Link Indexing... Get your links noticed by Google and other top search engines in hours, not weeks... And start driving your websites up the SERP's and receiving organic traffic in the least amount of time possible...
The Correct Way To Use Parasite Hosting... Parasite hosting is using 3rd party websites to post your content and links... It's nothing new, but most people don't have a clue as to how to use it the RIGHT way and create a powerful linking system that actually produces RESULTS and doesn't get flagged as spam.
How To Build An "Authority Wheel" That Works... If you thought linking directly to your site from 3rd party sites was enough to get the job done, you're probably not ranking as highly for keywords as you'd like to be, and chances are you're missing this critical tool in your SEO arsenal.
Multi-Level Linking Explained... Think beyond direct linking, go one step further than building an "authority wheel", and finally push your traffic and rankings to the next level using Multi-Level Linking... And make sure you do it right the first time so all of your hard work doesn't go to waste.
Will Google Really De-Index My Domain? Absolutely, and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about... However, there are a few measures that you can take to make sure that it never happens to you, you can read all about it on page 26.
Keyword Research Done RIGHT... This is another MAJOR area where people mess up and throw away all of their hard work... And it's probably the most critical step in all of SEO, trust me, you want to get it right the first time... That's why I've included a special software and separate guide specifically to ensure that you're performing your keyword research in the correct manner.
My Personal Tools To Help You Automate The Process... I'll go into more detail below, but I'm also including 2 of my own tools that I personally use to cut hours of work down to just a few minutes, and they'll help you to do the same.
A List Of Over 250 Web 2.0 Properties That You Can Use To Build High Quality Links... And more importantly, I'll teach you how to use Web 2.0 properties the RIGHT way... So that you get high quality links from high authority domains, without being flagged as a spammer and getting your domain penalized.
How Social Bookmarking Can Rapidly Boost Your Link Building Efforts... Very few people I know realize just how powerful social bookmarking can be... Again, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. I'll show you how to use social bookmarking in the most effective way possible.
An In Depth Understanding Of How Links REALLY Work... What sites pass link juice? How far does it go? What get's you flagged as a spammer? How you can protect yourself... The anatomy of a backlink, why anchor text works the way it does, and much MUCH more...
Here Are Some Tools I've Developed To Help You Succeed...
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Money 24Seven Ready-To-Publish Content On ANY Topic
Ready-To-Publish Content On ANY Topic
Free Software + Report
Having difficulty creating unique high-quality content for your web sites? Need more content but tired of spending hours researching each article that you write? Well STOP that manual article research, you want to ceaselessly post unique, high quality content to your sites to keep the attention of your visitors and the search engines!
The announcing has been repeated time and again that'content is King.' truly it's your visitor who is the king, but it's true that the only possible way to get more visitors is to have the kind of content that they are looking for : prime quality, keyword-rich content that they can find using the major search engines.
But writing high quality content in high paying subject areas that you don't know much about is a hard job. You have got to pick which topic you want to write about, then research subtopics that should be covered in your article, then go out and research info on each topic and subtopic you need to cover in the article--and that is's all BEFORE you actually write anything!
Enjoy your free lunch :- )
IT USED TO BE! It USED to take hours and hours to create top-quality niche articles. Not anymore, though, because ... Content Creation Software Create Articles in fifteen Min without Typing a Single Word! Only this is a Free gift To you Article Writing Software and Content Spinner. Create unique articles with two clicks.
Creative article writing software & professional content generator : Create Ready-To-Publish Content on ANY topic relative article writing software & professional content generator : quick article creator. Write creative and keywords rich articles with our custom content generation software. Download your free software NOW
Do you need But cannot afford A easy straightforward to use, Content Creation Software that can Create Articles in fifteen Min without Typing a Single Word! Only This Is A Free present To You All it will Cost Is Your e-mail - Well Check This One Out Here:
Why is Article assistant free? Aha... We believed you'd get a little suspicious. Particularly when other people are charging upwards of $97 for similar software that does less than Article Assistant, It's true! Here's the deal... All we are asking for is the chance to show off some of our software to you -- even give you more of it free ( see page 17 for details ).
We think our software is pretty neat -- masses of features to make you more productive, produce better ( loved by Google ) content, save you some time and... Oh yep, make you more money on the internet. So, go ahead... Put Article aid to the test and make sure we know what you believe. If you want to give us some feedback, props, a testimonial or if you have got a killer concept to make the software even better leave a comment on our blog We appreciate it! :- ) Now let's started showing you how to get the optimum use out of Article aid, Here we go...
Go get it now although it's still available:
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Internet Marketing Tools - Marketing Resources - Marketing Tools Directory
Test-Drive Dan's Insiders Club for 30-Days Risk-Free and Get $1,165.00 Dollars Worth of Bonus Gifts!Internet Marketing Tools - Marketing Resources - Marketing Tools DirectoryTest-Drive the Dan Lok's Insider's Club Right Now and get a giant fast action bonus delivered to your door via priority mail containing these 6 red-hot money-Making resources:
Giant Bonus # 1 - DVD: Video of My 58-Minute Presentation: "How To Make Your First Million In The Info-Marketing Business". People paid $2500.00 to see me give this live presentation at a recent Ted Thomas seminar. ($500.00 Value).
Giant Bonus # 2 - Printed Newsletter: This Month's Copy of "Doses of Dan" Off-Line Printed Newsletter ($79.00 Value)
Giant Bonus # 3 - This Month's Copy of my Balls-To-The-Wall CD ($199.00 Value)
Giant Bonus # 4 - The Greatest Success Secret In The World" CD ($199.00 Value)
Giant Bonus # 5 - A copy of my bestselling book "Creativity Sucks" How to Generate Million Dollar Ideas in 60 Seconds or Less (the book Marketing Legend Dan Kennedy said "…probably ought to go through it a few times each year. I'd bet a profitable new product would emerge every time") ($29.95 Value)
Giant Bonus # 6 - Special Confidential Report: Dan Lok's Little Green Book of Resources: 1001 Insider Resources For The Serious Internet Marketer ($159.00 Value)And That's Not All - You'll Also Gain Immediate Access To The
Insiders Club Web Site, Where You Will Have Complete Access To:
MP3 Audio Downloads: download and listen to over 157 minutes of my Coaching Audios. Practically every moneymaking tip you'll ever need - it's all there for you…waiting to be downloaded right now. ($999.00 Value)
100+ Swipe Files: this is my own personal swipe file filled with ads that have produced millions. ($599.00 Value)
A Giant Article Library Of A 100+ Plus Dan Lok Profit-Producing Articles (Value: Priceless)…and more!
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Who's Blogging What The most useful web marketing posts from over 1000 top blogs

Click to see the posts that our readers found to be the most useful about Twitter
(or Facebook) and about all of web marketing last month.
This week's short list of most useful posts:
- 10 Social Media Tools - Best Kept Secrets (Junta 42)
- 6 Ways to Use Twitter to Impact Your Brand (Ogilvy)
- 4 Easy Ways to Find Valuable Business Twitterers to Follow (Scott Fox)
- 7 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business (Whoast)
- 9 Reasons Your Website Can Have a High Bounce Rate (Search Engine Journal)
- 5 Ways to Improve your SEO Landing Pages (SEOMoz)
- 25 Idea Generators for Writing PPC Ads (Marketing Words)
- 5 Free Must-Have Keyword Research Tools (Search Marketing Standard)
- Top 10 Subject Line Words That Get Opens (WebProNews)
- Most Popular Words in Subject Lines (Website Magazine)
- 10 examples of e-newsletter footers and headers with social links (Mail Chimp)
- Email and Social Media- 7 tips for getting the most out of your campaigns (Marketo)
- 9 Proven Headline Formulas That Sell Like Crazy (CopyBlogger)
- 9 SEO Tips for Attractive Search Engine Friendly Web Design (Marketing Pilgrim)
- Jaw-Dropping Examples of Beautiful Contact Page Designs (Balkhis)
- 25 Stylish Examples of Headers in Web Design (Six Revisions)
- The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide (VKI)
- Back to Basics: Free Google Analytics Tools (Google Analytics Blog)
- Google Analytics Gets a New Site (Google Analytics Blog)
- The Ever Changing Demographics Of Facebook (WebProNews)

Monday, 3 August 2009
Money 24Seven Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog Now
Money24Seven Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog Now
Business Blogging Including Twitter Tips - TwiTip
Seven Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog Now has some good reasons for businesses to get into blogging -
1. They fan the flames of customer evangelism. Their personal nature helps humanize you and your organization.
2. They function as an instant-feedback mechanism. Most blogs allow readers to respond to your posts or link to them on their own blogs. These features provide almost real-time feedback on ideas and issues that strike a chord, or highlight new or existing problems. A blog can reveal a little problem before it grows into a bigger one.
Read the rest at Seven Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog Now
Already Blogging? - Read What's New