Tuesday 14 July 2009

What Every Online Business Should Have

Are You a Skeptic? Good, you should be.

What Every Online Business Should Have

In fact, this sounds too straightforward, right? So don't accept my word for it. Go check out the numerous testimonials that’s there before ordering your copy. And as usual, if this isn't everything you were hoping for (and more) you're covered by a full eight week guarantee - so either way you WIN!

Question: right or wrong: earning Online can take years and with lots and lot’s of Work, Without - Automation of Tasking- you can add years of struggle to cope.

Mix with an intense desire to eventually make real cash without spending a lot or working unending hours and what do you get? Blisters! & Corns? - So Just Copy and Paste click and send to earn Money 24 Seven Plan - Yes I know a universal hyped title, right? One of the things I've learned is to NOT judge a book by its title. I did some digging, and this is the real thing. And this book! is designed to help you step into the hands off approach.

Well, I could list the numerous testimonials received, but you can see those on the purchasing ordering page. Instead, let me just tell you this if you are looking to make REAL money without a lot of manual drudge kind of repetitive work and you are prepared to attend a few days to receive payment for your work then this is for you.


Last Friday, I flew down to Los Angeles to be on a talk radio show about Twitter.

Most of the time I call in to radio shows, but the offer was for a studio show, so said yes.

The show ended up being at the same time as TwitCastRadio, my own Twitter radio show, so I contacted the producer and told them I’d simulcast my show via phone from their studio.

The show went well but the simulcast failed. So I got the link for their show and posted it for this weeks TwitCastRadio.

On Saturday, they started sharing the link I used to them. Sunday I was out, but saw that there were a lot of mentions of the show link in my stream. I thought “Boy, these guys are popular”

Unfortunatly, it was a plot to use my name and the show to promote themselves. By Monday, I had to contact them and ask them to stop using my name. The links and use of my Twitter handle continued so I contacted the show host, the contact that got me to go and a few of the tweeps who were complaining that I might be a spammer.

Mea Culpa: My Social Media Mistake
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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