I'm talking about getting tons of views from all over the net, driving hordes of traffic and dominating your most competitive keyword phrases. Can you imagine that? Now picture pushing a button and releasing a flurry of videos all over the net. A few hours later, your stats are going through the roof... Traffic is piling up, messages and comments are being submitted, views are climbing at breakneck speeds, and cash is flowing like clockwork and your video continues to boost in popularity! Are you starting to see how much traffic and views you can get? Look, the Internet is stocked full with success stories of ordinary people who've made millions from "organic" traffic on sites like Yahoo and Google alone! With this system in hand, a press of a button and your videos are all over the place, dotting the Internet and stacking up views left and right. Your shot to rank up there high is best found right here and right now! With "Google Universal Search", your videos have a real shot at ranking high for your most competitive keywords. And, with this system, you can easily launch videos... lightning fast! Forget the hassles of uploading your videos and spending all of that time and effort and frustration. It's gone forever now.
You can create a simple screen-cam video, and Presto! It's launched all over the Internet... ... any kind of video can be launched everywhere... fast! That's Right Anyone Can Use "Video Post Robot" To Balloon Profits Overnight, Including YOU! Upload Video Automatically
Maximize This System, And Set The 'Roof-On-Fire 'With Video Views! With this system, you can submit tons of videos at the same time. With the screen shot , that was a video submitted to Metacafe. However, 13 other sites got the video too... There is power in numbers like this. The more videos you upload, the better shot you have at getting rankings, views, listings and traffic! You exhaust every ounce of opportunity from the video sites, like Youtube and others, by submitting many videos at once... Because you see, if you were to just submit one video to one site alone, you'd limit your chances of raking in big-time views... For example, here's a comparison of the views I got that morning from these two video sites: * No of video views on Metacafe = 30, 359 views * No of video views on Youtube = 38 views See how submitting to many sites at once can boost response? That is 30, 321 more views!
...All because the video was submitted to Metacafe, and not just Youtube! You see, you never know which video site (like Youtube, Metacafe, etc) is going to give you the highest rankings, or the most views. It's impossible to know. Therefore, uploading to as many sites as possible, is your best shot at quick success! Now, imagine tons of sites all getting your videos automatically -- and you are getting the picture of just how powerful this system truly is for you! Brilliant isn't it... (Update: The software now submits to 30 top video sites and growing) Google absolutely loves Videos!! It's a fact, Google loves videos and so does the rest of the Internet. Look at these facts: ~ In the US alone, more than 110 million people watched 7 BILLION videos PER MONTH in 2006 ~ NINE TIMES more people visited Youtube in February this year, compared to February last year It's a slam-dunk, 2007 will be the biggest year yet for online videos, and I can only imagine what the next few years will be like. Smoke Your Competition And Eat Them For Breakfast! In just one night, imagine crushing your competition, and quickly climbing to the top of the charts on Google.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Google Absolutely Loves Videos!! Upload Video Automatically
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
How to Become a Link Building Ninja | BuzzBlogger.com
1.Here’s One Link Building Tactic That Nobody Talks About…As you probably know, syndicating your RSS feed to all the different RSS directories and aggregators can be a great way to get one-way backlinks.Plus, they’re one of the best ways to get indexed fast in Google.In this article, I’m going to show you how to put your RSS feed on steroids and grab 10 times as many backlinks.The secret is in creating custom RSS feeds.The idea is to create multiple, custom RSS feeds and submit those to several RSS feed aggregator sites. This spreads your links all over the Internet.Talk about some link juice!How to Become a Link Building Ninja | BuzzBlogger.com
Skip Digg: Not All Traffic is Created Equal
When you’re down in the trenches, scouring online guides for tips and tactics on how to drive traffic to your blog, you sometimes miss the big picture, the strategy.
You don’t have a limitless amount of time or money, so you need to decide what not to do. It’s not always about “how to” — sometimes it’s about “which to”.
Like all social media, Digg costs time -– and lots of it -– so I want to make sure your time is well spent.
I’m not here to tell you Digg doesn’t work; there are plenty of people reading right now who have hit the front page and gotten that famously temporary blast of traffic.
Skip Digg: Not All Traffic is Created Equal
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Social Bookmarking Software
FACT: Social bookmarking is the way of the future for both, driving traffic to your website as well as rising to the top of the search engine rankings. And if you’re wasting time manually submitting to social bookmarking sites day-in and day-out---or not submitting to them at all, then you’re literally putting your entire business at risk! Here’s why: Social bookmarking provide websites with tons of backlinks, which Google, Yahoo, and MSN love. In fact, backlinks are one of the first things that the search engines search for while evaluating your site, so needless to say that the more backlinks you have, the higher you’ll rank. The problem, however, for most marketers, maybe even you, is that manually submitting to social bookmarking services is extremely time consuming and takes you away from doing things that you really want to do----like actually making money!
But the good news for you today is that now there’s a new, breakthrough software tool that automatically submits your web pages to more than 160 social bookmarking sites in just minutes, which equals fast and easy profits for you! I’ll tell you more about that in a minute, but first, let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Chris, a software developer and successful Internet marketer, who over the years has helped marketers just like you take their online business to the next level of success by generating more traffic and achieving higher search engine rankings in record time! And I know that if you’re like most marketers, you’ve tried everything that you can think of to increase traffic to your website and you’ve probably even wondered to yourself just how other marketers are so successful while you’re still struggling just to get started. Well….Here’s WHY What You Have Been Doing is “NOT” Working Social Bookmarking Software
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Understanding Google site "authority" : Jonathan Leger
Understanding Google site "authority"November 29, 2008Somebody recently made a post on the WebComp Analyst forum asking, basically, the following question: I have more links than my competition, but I'm not on page one — why not? That's a good question, and one that I felt deserved some attention in a blog post.In a recent blog post I show exactly how I do keyword research, and I spoke about how Google transfers "authority" from the home page to the inner pages of sites. That's why you'll often find a page ranking for a really competitive set of keywords even though it has very few links to the page itself: if the site itself is very well linked, then the inner page benefits from the "link juice" of the whole site.However, in the video I state that it's the links to the home page of the site that give the inner pages authority. I have to adjust my stand on that. After doing a lot of deep research using WebComp Analyst, I've realized that it's the entire site's links that create authority, not just the home page links.Understanding Google site "authority" : Jonathan Leger
Advertise On LinkGrand!Benefits of Purchasing a Link Our advertising is affordable and effective.
Get 1000s of hits for just $5.00! You will begin receiving hits to your site immediately after link is added.
Your hits will be unique. We will only count the first visit from each person that visits your link each day.
You will receive way more hits than you order because many people will visit your link again in the same day.
Your link on our site will be permanent. You will continue to receive visitors even after all paid ones have been sent.
Exposure to your site will be tremendous. Get your message out there! LinkGrand
Did you know we are coming up on our 2nd year anniversary in February?
It's been a fantastic two years all because of members just like you! This year we decided to start celebrating early
just to show you how much we really appreciate all of your support. Last week we began our latest $500 Cash Give-A-Way.
For a total of ten weeks, we are giving away $50 each Friday evening. The best part about this contest is that details change
each week, giving all members a variety of ways to participate. View the details for this week here: LinkGrand
Thursday, 20 November 2008
How to Gain Back Links
Hi guys gals one n'all SEO knowledge seekers far n wide
... Excellent very usable information once again about RSS its super doper to have some one with your understanding on this topic that is slashing the mysteries of how these modern day search engine tick and rate you RSS is here to stay! ... to me its all about understanding where you want to go and what you want to achieve with your own workable daily efforts implemented RSS feeds ... simply because no one can communicate within all the ways that are available to be seen and heard on this ever expanding vast world wide web, anyone can get really frustrated if they don't "plan their RSS feeds then work there content though RSS links" ... my mentor Chris Moos says it better than me seen below
But first - The mindset
1. Everything always starts with insignificance.
2. As you move forward out of procrastination, you don't have to get it
Perfect, you just have to build momentum.
3. Get going now; movement builds momentum and permanent habits of success.
4. Feedback is the answer to all your prayers.
5. Always take focused, inspired, out-come driven action.
6. YOU have been created to win, but conditioned to lose
(Ask Chris about this personally)
7. You must look within for value, but look beyond for perspective.
8. Whoever has the strongest focus wins in the marketplace.
9. The twin tickets to YOUR success are: Marketing and Sales.
10. Greater sameness will never get you better results
(*I really like this line above* lol)
11. The road to YOUR success is defined by doing things in the order of their importance...by doing what other people do not want to do!
12. You can only see what you know. And what YOU know must be revealed to you by another person whom you connect with at the heart level.
13. The key to moving forward rapidly is based on the quality and quantity of YOUR pain: The pain of going backward must exceed the pain of moving forward. I hope these 13 mindsets thoughts above ads value to what your about.
I know is one of the most valuable SEObook blogs hosted by Aaron Wall on the net: http://www.seobook.com/googles-relevancy-algorithms-change-keyword If you are starting a new site and have built little to no off site signals of quality you can expect to rank for long tail phrases first. As your site builds authority you can compete for some of the lead keyword feeds..
Phillip Skinner
Features & Benefits More Traffic for Everyone
Saying you'll get better results by thinking about the end result rather than the process seems counterintuitive. I mean, look at how many "How to" books are out there alone!
Process seems to be the king. Performance is supposed to be the guarantee, right? Look at sports, business, even school, and you can see this hard-wired drive to perform, to get results by following a process. It’s called a performance orientation.
And while it beats just sitting there with no drive, motivation, or action, when it comes to getting results, it comes in a distant second to something much more powerful: A mastery orientation. This is how people get extraordinary results, experience extreme levels of personal growth, and live with more satisfaction, happiness, and peace than you might even think is possible. Features & Benefits More Traffic for Everyone
How to Gain Back Links
PRESSfeed : Take a Tour
Wisdom Words...If you do a marketing site and you don't have an RSS feed, you should be fired.PRESSfeed : Take a Tour
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
SubmitterBot - Semi-automatic directory submission tool
Adding your site is easy as 1-2-3. You only have to do is to enter your site details such as url, description, keywords, etc. and you are done
Submitting to directories:
Submitting to directories was never been this easy. You only have to do the following: Click "Start submitting", then select your site and then enter captcha images where its required. Thats easy. You can easily submit your site to 3-5 directories / minute
Submitting to social bookmarking sites:
Its as easy as submitting to directories. Just choose your site, click "Submit" next to each social bookmarking sites, choose your category and well done. Your URL is submitted
Adding your articles:
Adding your article is pretty easy. Click "Add articles" in your member panel and fill the form. Make sure you are using keyword rich, seo articles for better result
Submitting to article directories:
Just choose your site, select your category and well done. Yes its really easy. Our bot is designed to register you a new account for the directories which needs registration automatically
SubmitterBot - Semi-automatic directory submission tool
LinkPlug!- Latest Links
As I've said elsewhere, I feel that submitting to directories is still worthwhile (full disclosure: I run a directory).
Otherwise why would Google bother to penalize directories for selling links?
The fact that they have to manually punish directories employed in this practice should indicate that directory
links must carry weight in Google's algorithm. Google likes links surrounded by similar links, and that’s the essence
of what a page in a web directory is–it’s just a collection of links surrounded by similarly-themed links.
In that sense, then, I still believe it to be a worthwhile practice.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
We Build Pages Internet Marketing Blog
Filter what you read. If you know that someone is writing crap,
then don’t read the crap. Read the good stuff. Or not.
If you’re a presenter who’s worried about being misrepresented,
treat the liveblogging of your sessions as you would the rest of
your reputation management. Make a comment to set the record straight.
Live bloggers rock.We Build Pages Internet Marketing Blog
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Testing out Clipmarks from within my Flock Browser
testing a code input ... <a href="http://www.homeworkingadvertising.com/">This new feature brings everyone more traffic!</a>
and or = http://wilsoncowden.blogspot.com/
Saturday, 18 October 2008
How not to get distracted.
Laziness is the number one reason self-employed people fail at their businesses, besides digesting the news, I'm observing the layout, placement of ads, navigation, I work thru the night, someone standing over my shoulder saying, "Now whats this? and nobody wants that! That's the thing for me.
But afterwards, when it's working smoothly, you can find yourself wasting time and doing a lot of unimportant things, You'll find if you have strict deadlines, and many clients wanting deliverables from you - the last thing you're thinking of is what's on the news sites, the time would be much better managed by setting aside 30 minutes early in the morning as your still waking up, going once through your usual stuff (news, banking, exchange rates, whaterver) and then leaving it at that until the next day, I cleaned up my desks and apartment, Now everything is neat and in folders, We've all been there worked in a mess.What new "bright and shiny object" have you bought in the past weeks or month is It the latest greatest system, method or secret that is mass promoted by everybody and their dog.? in the old days you had about two of these come along per year in today's world you have a new one once a month if not weekly. First let me say I'm a big advocate of learning ... and some of these systems or courses may be just the thing you need ... how are you going to make money? Are you going to sell info products?
Ask yourself if the new "bright and shiny object" is a logical addition to your game plan. the mistake I see a lot of people make is NOT focusing, not if you're just getting started and are working part time.
Here's what I mean: The number of people promoting a product has everything to do with the skill of the promoter in getting others to promote ... but But that has nothing to do with the value of the product. They'll buy something just because everyone else is buying it, the best thing to do is to evaluate it in terms of your own game plan.
How are you going to get people to your web site? Your basic choices are an affiliate program, pay-per-click advertising, Butterfly-type viral marketing sites, organic seo, video marketing or article marketing though Video marketing is a relative newcomer to the field ... or click my favorite linking and backs page (-;
You start with solid fundamentals I think you need to pick ONE of those above to start with and get really good at it also keep in mind that Google keeps changing the rules, you can build up a little mini empire only to have Google dissolve it overnight.
How are you going to capture names and email addresses?
What will your follow-up email marketing strategy be? At minimum, I feel you need to send out a valuable email, video or blog post once a week, there again will you sell your own products in those follow up emails or will you sell affiliate products?
But the ezines were filled with crap content, plr, articles by other people and so forth, the quality just wasn't there in today's world you need quality content all you gotta know is a little bit more than the people on your list. You have to be one step ahead.
There's a lot of free and cheap training online on how to do eBay, It's a good place to get your feet wet and acquire basic computer skills.