Thursday 25 February 2010

Traffic Siphon - Why Fight To Build Traffic When You Can Easily Siphon It?

Dear Friend, -

Clever Subject line in my in-box this morning = "3 little piggy’s built a website! ...and THIS little piggy got traffic!"

Trying to get traffic to your website can feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall.

Well, we think it's time to turn the tables on Google, Yahoo and Bing and beat them at their own game.

In fact, as you read every word of this letter, you're going to discover the 19 most effective, free techniques to siphon a boatload of targeted traffic to any website.

Techniques you've probably NEVER seen or been shown how to do correctly—the way we're going to teach you.

Listen, this isn't some secret we accidently stumbled onto. It isn't a fad. And, it isn't some untested tactic we dreamed up that sounds like it might work.

We've been silently testing and tweaking these strategies over the past 10 years and have worked this formula to perfection on 438 different websites. Seriously, we'd be very surprised if anyone else out there has put this kind of effort into fine-tuning these techniques.

Here's PROOF:

Price increase coming in

What Is The Secret Code Woven Into The Very
Fabric Of The World-Wide Web?
“Why didn't I see it before? This spider web contained the secret blueprint to

1 comment:

Merlin Wise Web Wizard said...

Discovering The Power of the
One Line Headline
Your site’s headline may be the most important text on your entire site. In marketing, there’s an old expression: The headline is half the job.

It may be a bit of an overstatement, but a good headline captures the attention of site visitors. In fact, improve your headline and, guaranteed, you’ll see your bounce rate drop.

So, here are 10 tips for crafting the perfect headline – What to do and What not to do.

Another Example
Creating The Perfect Headline