Tuesday 11 August 2009

"Heres What Web Marketing Companies DONT Tell You."


I've learned a BIG lesson. It's NOT fancy graphics or flash movies that sell your products or services - it's simply giving people what they want after making sure they find your site.

Then getting them to commit to something whilst they're there.
Put simply, it's what pays your mortgage.

For example, my own my website looks very basic & most web designers laugh at it. I couldn't care less.

It used to look really good with FLASH animation, multimedia and all sorts of gimmicks yet it never made me any money. It was only good at proving to people that we could make stylish websites.

However, after I read about web marketing, tried some decent sales copy...it really started to work for me!

(Take that annoying hover-ad that appears on my home page for instance. It gets up everyone's nose yet it increased my conversion rate by 178% overnight - so it's staying put!)

Since that turning point a couple of years ago, I've spent tens of thousands of pounds and many, many hours investing in the best software, training and information resources around, so that I can deliver world class website marketing advice and ultimately this unique UK based website analysis.

So, now I'm here to provide the "Missing Link" that fills the void between your website, your marketing and your success.

Anyone can make a website.

Only successful people know how to market effectively online and put into action what they know.

Whatever your business or size, you will benefit hugely from the secrets I have learned here. As MKLINK passes its 11th trading year and having helped hundreds and hundreds of businesses throughout the UK, I have been able to directly measure our Internet Marketing Strategies on a wide range of websites so I truly know from real life experience what works and what doesn't.

There are plenty of marketing professionals out there who know more than me in their specific areas and I certainly don't claim to be the world's best at everything!

I'm just a regular bloke that has been doing this for 11 years and have seen what works and what doesn't its all about making money at the end of the day yes?. So Now, business owners like you can have straight, specific valuable information that will dramatically improve your sales.

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